SHA2ext Class Reference

This class represents the implementation of the SHA384 and SHA512 algorithm. More...

#include <hl_sha2ext.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void SHA384_Init (HL_SHA_384_CTX *context)
 Initialize the SHA384 context.
void SHA512_Init (HL_SHA512_CTX *context)
 Initialize the SHA512 context.
void SHA384_Update (HL_SHA_384_CTX *context, const hl_uint8 *data, unsigned int len)
 Updates the SHA512 context.
void SHA512_Update (HL_SHA512_CTX *context, const hl_uint8 *data, unsigned int len)
 Updates the SHA284 context.
char * SHA384_End (HL_SHA_384_CTX *context, char buffer[SHA384_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH])
 Ends the SHA384 operation and return the created hash in the given buffer.
char * SHA512_End (HL_SHA512_CTX *context, char buffer[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH])
 Ends the SHA512 operation and return the created hash in the given buffer.

Private Member Functions

void SHA384_Final (hl_uint8 digest[SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH], HL_SHA_384_CTX *context)
 Finalize the sha384 operation.
void SHA512_Final (hl_uint8 digest[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH], HL_SHA512_CTX *context)
 Finalize the sha512 operation.
void SHA512_Last (HL_SHA512_CTX *context)
 Internal method.
void SHA512_Transform (HL_SHA512_CTX *context, const sha2_word64 *data)
 Internal data transformation.

Detailed Description

This class represents the implementation of the SHA384 and SHA512 algorithm.

Basically the class provides six public member-functions to create a hash: SHA384_Init(), SHA384_Update(), SHA384_End(), SHA512_Init(), SHA512_Update() and SHA512_End(). If you want to create a hash based on a string or file quickly you should use the sha384wrapper or sha512wrapper classes.

Member Function Documentation

char* SHA2ext::SHA384_End ( HL_SHA_384_CTX context,
char  buffer[SHA384_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH] 

Ends the SHA384 operation and return the created hash in the given buffer.

context The context to end.
buffer This OUT-Parameter contains the created hash after ending the operation.
void SHA2ext::SHA384_Final ( hl_uint8  digest[SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH],
HL_SHA_384_CTX context 
) [private]

Finalize the sha384 operation.

digest The digest to finalize the operation with.
context The context to finalize.
void SHA2ext::SHA384_Init ( HL_SHA_384_CTX context  ) 

Initialize the SHA384 context.

context The context to init.
void SHA2ext::SHA384_Update ( HL_SHA_384_CTX context,
const hl_uint8 data,
unsigned int  len 

Updates the SHA512 context.

context The context to update.
data The data for updating the context.
len The length of the given data.
char* SHA2ext::SHA512_End ( HL_SHA512_CTX context,
char  buffer[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH] 

Ends the SHA512 operation and return the created hash in the given buffer.

context The context to end.
buffer This OUT-Parameter contains the created hash after ending the operation.
void SHA2ext::SHA512_Final ( hl_uint8  digest[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH],
HL_SHA512_CTX context 
) [private]

Finalize the sha512 operation.

digest The digest to finalize the operation with.
context The context to finalize.
void SHA2ext::SHA512_Init ( HL_SHA512_CTX context  ) 

Initialize the SHA512 context.

context The context to init.
void SHA2ext::SHA512_Last ( HL_SHA512_CTX context  )  [private]

Internal method.

used by SHA512 and SHA384

Benjamin Gr�delbach
context The context of the operation
void SHA2ext::SHA512_Transform ( HL_SHA512_CTX context,
const sha2_word64 data 
) [private]

Internal data transformation.

context The context to use
data The data to transform
void SHA2ext::SHA512_Update ( HL_SHA512_CTX context,
const hl_uint8 data,
unsigned int  len 

Updates the SHA284 context.

context The context to update.
data The data for updating the context.
len The length of the given data.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Oct 13 20:06:35 2011 for hashlib++ by  doxygen 1.6.3