wrapperfactory Class Reference

This class represents a simple factory for creating wrappers. More...

#include <hl_wrapperfactory.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

hashwrappercreate (HL_Wrappertype type)
 Simple factory-method to create a hashwrapper.
hashwrappercreate (std::string type)
 Simple factory-method to create a hashwrapper.

Detailed Description

This class represents a simple factory for creating wrappers.

U can use this class for dynamicly create wrappers of a given type at runtime.

Member Function Documentation

hashwrapper * wrapperfactory::create ( std::string  type  ) 

Simple factory-method to create a hashwrapper.

type the simple name of the type for example "md5"
A hashwrapper for the fiven type
type The type of the hash algorithm to create a wrapper for
A hashwrapper for the fiven type
hashwrapper * wrapperfactory::create ( HL_Wrappertype  type  ) 

Simple factory-method to create a hashwrapper.

type The type of the hash algorithm to create a wrapper for
A hashwrapper for the fiven type

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Oct 13 20:06:35 2011 for hashlib++ by  doxygen 1.6.3